Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beau Monde Seasoning

Celery seedsImage via Wikipedia
   I'm a real sucker for dips. I like chip dip, cheese balls and salsa - anything spread on something else.
   I have a recipe for a rye boat that calls for Beau Monde seasoning. Beau Monde is a type of seasoned  salt that gives a taste of celery to the recipe. It means beautiful world in French and used as a rub on steaks, roast, fish and poultry. Other uses include salad dressings, deviled eggs and to dress up a Bloody Mary.
   Once upon a time I had a bottle of this, but have since found the recipe. It is so much easier if these are already in your spice cabinet.

 Beau Monde Seasoning Salt
1 T. ground cloves 

1 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 

1 T. salt 

1 T. ground bay leaf 

1 T. ground allspice 

2 T. ground pepper 

1 T. ground white pepper 

1 tsp. ground nutmeg 

1 tsp. ground mace 

1 tsp. celery seed

In a small mixing bowl, mix together all ingredients. Pour into a tightly closed jar and store in a cool, dry place. Makes about 9 tablespoons.
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