Sunday, December 8, 2013

Turkey Salad

Photo courtesy of the Cooking Corner.
     Chicken and turkey are pretty interchangeable in my book. It wasn't a far stretch to think of making turkey salad instead of chicken with some of those Thanksgiving leftovers. What I like though is giving this dish a whole new flavor. By changing one spice, this simple salad turns into a different dish. 
    What's nice is that this salad can be used in a variety of ways. I've made a type of turkey sandwich and also spread this on crackers as an appetizer. This would also be a perfect filling for a wrap or as a dollop on lettuce for a salad. I like variety.

Turkey Salad
2 cups turkey, diced
1 T. mayo
1 stalk celery, diced fine

2 T. onion, diced
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 tsp. garlic powder (optional)

Options -
Oriental flavor - 

1 tsp. sesame oil
Cajun flavor - 

3/4 tsp. Old Bay or Cajun spice

In medium bowl, combine turkey, mayo, celery and onion. Add flavor option of choice - sesame oil or Old Bay, if using. 

Mix well. Add salt and pepper if needed. Chill for an hour to combine flavors.
Makes 2-1/2 cups

Uses - sandwiches, spread on crackers as an appetizer or on lettuce as a salad.

*A tsp. of curry powder would give this an Indian flavor, but it's untested as yet.
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