Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Basic Potato Salad with Bacon

Potato salad with egg and mayonnaiseImage via Wikipedia
Bacon makes everything better and this potato salad recipe is no different. This is my standard bring-to-a-gathering recipe, that's made with those in mind who don't like onions. I use onion powder for flavor and since I don't always have celery on hand, I make sure to stock celery seed in the spice rack. It's much cheaper. You can add a few hard boiled eggs if that suits you.

Basic Potato Salad
6 medium potatoes
1 lb. bacon, cooked and crumbled
1/4 cup bacon drippings reserved
1/4 tsp. celery seed
1 tsp. onion powder
3/4 cup mayonnaise
3 squirts ( 3 T.) mustard
salt and pepper to taste

Boil potatoes until fork tender. Cool and peel if desired. Cut potatoes into 1/4 inch chunks. In large bowl mix all ingredients. Cover and refrigerate a couple of hours. Serves 6-8.

Note - potatoes and bacon can be cooked ahead of time for assembly later, just leave potatoes unpeeled until ready to use. This dish can easily be made a day in advance.
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