Sunday, July 26, 2015

Grilled Chipotle T-Bone Steaks

Photos courtesy of  the Cooking Corner.
    After what seemed like weeks of pork dishes, you know, ribs, chops and ham, not to mention brats and hotdogs, the hubby requested a break from pig. I couldn't blame him a bit. Luckily I found some steaks on sale that weekend so he was in for a treat - T-Bones.
    One of my sons had recently introduced me to a new flavor of spice rubs, so while I was getting the grill ready, I let the steaks marinade in a chipotle spice rub. It never hurts to try something new. 
   This little beef treat made the hubby happy and the steaks had a good flavor that was subtle and not overpowering at all. It was well worth the test and quite easy to do.

Grilled Chipotle T-Bone Steaks
2 T-Bone steaks (about 3/4-inch thick)
1 T. McCormick's chipotle and roasted garlic seasoning
1 tsp. garlic powder
4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
cracked black pepper and Kosher salt.
Place steaks on a plate and season with spices and sprinkle with Worcestershire. 

Let set in refrigerator until needed.

Spray grates with cooking spray. Heat grill to 375 degrees.

Place steaks on hot grill over medium flame for 5 minutes per side. Remove to indirect heat for 3 minutes more per side for medium to medium well. (More time over indirect for well done and less for rare.)

Serves 2.
*For thicker steaks adjust as needed, increasing slightly.