Saturday, September 17, 2011

Easy BBQ Chicken

I think this sandwich is squarely aimed at the...Image via Wikipedia
  Chicken is one of the things that if I can find on sale, I always try to stock up on. It's just really easy to find ways to fix chicken in a pinch. One of the girls at work gave me this idea for a quick way to fix barbecue chicken. It may not be low and slow cooked, but it's quick, easy and tasty. Dinner in under half an hour if the chicken is thawed.

BBQ Chicken
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut in 3 inch chunks
Barbecue dry rub or seasoning
salt and pepper
barbecue sauce

   In medium sized skillet with lid, place chicken chunks and add enough water to cover the bottom of the skilet. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and barbecue seasoning. Cover and cook over medium-low heat for 15-20 minutes, making sure that pan doesn't boil dry. When chicken is done, drain off any liquid and add your favorite BBQ sauce and cook for 4-5 minutes longer just to warm sauce. Serves 4 or 5.

Tip - I often cut things up in small pieces to make it look like there's more so it will go farther. 
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